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He has a Managerial unparalleled experience obtained in different companies and Corporate Organizations which have given him the practical experiential and intellectual miscegenation perplexes any seasoned "researcher" of managerial issues, as its true principles, advance in time, showing that the Professional media remained stagnant in pure bland theories and concepts, without achieving dynamic deepen BUSINESS covers and less hidden backstage perceive distorted the true meaning thereof.

He is a simple, straightforward man, of easy conversation who does not seek notoriety; he is not interested in recognitions either in appearing in photography. It is unusual for all these characters, used to throw first your resume to impress the reader or to any audience and get well, that self-praise ego, instead of helping, it destroys.


His works are in most national and international libraries, including universities.

Birth of a new executive

This book, it is not written in special form for certain geographical latitude, but for every businessman and executive who is within the existing change concert of arrangement and rearrangement in what it is called global business


Birth of a New Executive is the masterpiece of extraordinary writer on managerial issues H. Dubric, which was written in 1990.


When it came to the light, caused some dismay among some management professionals, accustomed to foreign theories, But what was the problem?


What H. Dubric shattered all those absurd sold through courses, workshops and seminars and placed the view of professional, business and other people, REAL KEY TO SUCCESS.

Virtue and Business

Virtue and Business as well as all the books   of H. Dubric is written to obtain a new way of thinking and facing the BUSINESS challenges, achieving a substantial internal change able to generate in practice, greater sagacity to provide solutions to critical situations and viewing the most accurate selection priorities.


Without any doubt "The Fifth Managerial System" delivered by H. Dubric, burst the intellectual ties that were keeping "totally asleep" and submitted to the Executive and Professional mass, providing the tools to cross out all CRISIS. His works are already spread in several Libraries of the world.

Management and Business with ethics and moral.

THE FIFTH Direction managerial system and Management of Free Initiative, delivered     by H. Dubric in nine (9) books leads us directly to success in business. To manage with BALANCE, finding that "midpoint" or guardian of the balance (Ethics), than any other existing theoretical system has been able to accomplish.


THE FIFTH managerial system is the method of the 21st century, which not only closes fissures, but it bridges between uncertainty places called future and the present results.

"Those who think that VIRTUE is not coextensive with BUSINESS are those who forgot, money is just a psychological exchange value, not real value"

H. Dubric

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